Hi everyone!
Say hello to 70 degree weather in Oscoda, Michigan and lovely clear blue skies and a bright sun, with a cool breeze to top it off — about time! 😉 Goodness I hope it stays this way.

Last week started off with a district P-Day for which we went to the West Branch apartment and played some games and watched a church movie on their homemade projector. (Elder Fiame wired up an overhead projector to their dvd player and it actually projects movies onto their wall).
Tuesday we had the opportunity to visit with and teach the pastor of the Assembly of God church in Tawas. It was a great visit and by the end he had a major respect for what we do as missionaries and what this church stands for, although he’s not necessarily interested in getting baptized x) We also learned a lot about modern sectarian Christianity in the process. Additionally, we had a lesson with Mary Bean who is continuing to learn and progress, and we are hoping to be able to put her back on a baptismal date tomorrow. We just need to somehow get her to church! In the evening we went back over to West Branch, actually, for a sleepover! Haha, this is because Wednesday morning we needed to head down to Midland for zone conference. Good thing everyone just talked and laughed till 1 in the morning so we didn’t get any sleep anyway.

Zone conference Wednesday was wonderful and it answered some of the exact questions I have been pondering and been asking for help from God to know or understand, especially how to search for God’s prepared children using the Spirit. That was literally all that the final training in the conference was about: Finding by the Spirit. I am so grateful for the organization that Christ’s church has with leaders who teach by the Spirit to the needs of us missionaries, or similarly from the Prophet to the saints. Had a lesson that evening with Rob who has been reading, or rather listening to the Book of Mormon on his Kindle, and loves its message and is leaning towards being baptized!
Thursday: Had some super nasty chile at a member’s house but told them how much we loved it. “Do you want more?”
“Oh no thanks, but it was great.”
“It’s okay there’s more than enough! Here have some more.”
“Ohhh thank you thank you….”
Friday ended up back at the trailer park. Knocked into a house full of drunk guys sitting down listening to some classic rock music– ie. Led Zeppelin, Def Leopard, Bon Jovi
A couple of the guys there actually knew who we were and have talked with missionaries in the past. They wanted to hear what we had to say and turned the music down. One of them was seriously super drunk and asked for something to read, and all Elder Hudson had at the moment to give was a Word of Wisdom pamphlet…. Ironic? Perhaps. But the man, Al, started to read, and began to cry. He is aware that God doesn’t want him to be doing the things that he’s been doing and that Alcohol is what is causing him to remain in darkness and depression and have suicidal thoughts. He opened up to me for a couple of minutes, his spirit came forth through his drunkenness and spoke to me while the rest of the men in the room laughed and made themselves merry while speaking with Elder Hudson. Al put his hand on my arm and cried and begged me over and over to help him, to save him. I promised him I would do my best to help him but in the end it would be up to him to go to Christ and to keep the commitments we leave. He wanted us to get him to church, but come Saturday we could not get a hold of him. Sunday either. We will stop back by soon. Al’s friend Gerry is willing to help Al and wants to change his life and loves the missionaries and wants to come to church as well. I pray that we will truly be able to help these men make differences in their lives and rid themselves of certain destructive behaviors.

That’s pretty much everything exciting for this week. Soon we will be off to the apartment to continue cleaning and shampooing the carpet. Yay. 🙂
This became a very long email. You’re welcome.
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful and fantastic week!
Elder Breinholt