Today we had the marvelous opportunity to help out at the Assembly of God church in Tawas, Michigan. They got together to tear apart the garden beds which were causing interior water damage to the building. Elder Hudson and I taught Pastor Tim a month or two ago, and developed a friendship so he called and asked us to come help out! So that’s what we were doing all morning, and made some more awesome friendships with other members of that church. Pictures are attached.

This past week went very well, but not really according to plan. I mean, it was our plan that the week would go well, but probably 75% of our plans were foiled for different reasons, and we had to figure out what we were supposed to do instead. It was like a test from our Heavenly Father, especially after our declaration last week of having a change of focus and a firm devotion to follow the Spirit in the work rather than trying relying on our own knowledge. There were a couple of times that we walked up to a door to begin knocking, and putting out my hand, and pausing to say, “I don’t think this is what we’re supposed to be doing right now.” Let me be the one to tell you–This work is exhausting, physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausting. There was a lot of wrestling back and forth with the Spirit to determine what it was that God wanted us to do when we faced all of these roadblocks throughout the week, mostly because of investigators not being home for appointments. We did our best, and things worked out the way they were supposed to. Mostly… ๐

Elder McGuire and I have been working on finding a lot. Last week we had a total of 7 potentials! That’s significant, because a few days of the week were taken up by interviews with President Jacobsen and stake conference. By the way, interviews were awesome. President Jacobsen always gives me the best advice of what to work on next, and cares sincerely for each of us and what we hope to accomplish with the people we teach.

Everyone who reads this, please pray for Angie and her kids. Angie is overcoming issues with addiction, and is facing opposition and trials. In the end, it will make her stronger, but right now she needs all the help from God and from others she can get, so please pray for her to have strength, and to feel God’s love for her and her family. If all goes well, she will be baptized June 18.

Stake conference was amazing. Elder Sittati (not sure how it’s spelled) of the Seventy spoke and gave trainings. The main message was love. The greatest way to bring people closer to God, and closer to each other, is simply to make sure they know that you love them. Always retain in remembrance the importance of love, no matter how cheesy it may seem.
With that, I truly do love you all and hope and pray the best for you. Yes, even those of you who think I am not talking about you, you are wrong, and I love you. Have a great week ๐
Elder Breinholt